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Joomla! 2.5 - Flemish Stable
- Maturity
- Stable
- Välja antud
- Teisipäev, 30 Aprill 2013 23:00
Joomla! 2.5.11 Flemish nl-BE Language Pack (v1)
This is the full Flemish Language Pack for Joomla! 2.5.11
- Allalaaditud
- 2,152 korda
- Faili suurus
- 271.07 kB
- MD5 allkiri
- 1c5227fb4bf99cd3ceeaf42ee9b720d8
- SHA1 allkiri
- 7cb35230a6686f969bed08e01164479bcc2d5778
- Environments